A Mi Luna
Que tal chica? Como te va? Cuando vamos a beber una copita juntos? :o)
Don't apologize for being late - it is usual when you fall in love :oPPPPPP
Ok, ok, I am just kidding. I am really happy that you are a happy bunny and I hope you go on like that for the rest of your life :o)
As for me, well I am the ordinary john you know, the guy with the bad mood and all this shit, but I guess you have been used to it. Everything gives to my nerves - my unsatisfactory job, my perplexed relationship, my self, everything - and please don't expect my wedding invitation :o)
Well, yeah, I really want to talk with you again - I would talk about all these until you had your headache, but we are million miles away and I guess I have no one to talk to right now - because my friends don't know anything about the situation I am in. I don't want to spoil your time - sometimes it is enough for someone to know that the people he loves are fine and happy :o)
So, I wish you have a nice weekend and we talk again soon. I wish things were different. Adios.
Que tal chica? Como te va? Cuando vamos a beber una copita juntos? :o)
Don't apologize for being late - it is usual when you fall in love :oPPPPPP
Ok, ok, I am just kidding. I am really happy that you are a happy bunny and I hope you go on like that for the rest of your life :o)
As for me, well I am the ordinary john you know, the guy with the bad mood and all this shit, but I guess you have been used to it. Everything gives to my nerves - my unsatisfactory job, my perplexed relationship, my self, everything - and please don't expect my wedding invitation :o)
Well, yeah, I really want to talk with you again - I would talk about all these until you had your headache, but we are million miles away and I guess I have no one to talk to right now - because my friends don't know anything about the situation I am in. I don't want to spoil your time - sometimes it is enough for someone to know that the people he loves are fine and happy :o)
So, I wish you have a nice weekend and we talk again soon. I wish things were different. Adios.
All these miles... Space full of love...
Αν αυτό το γράμμα απευθύνεται σε πορτογαλίδα θα πάθω εγκεφαλικό. Αν όχι, το μόνο που ελπίζω είναι να είναι αληθινός ο παραλήπτης!! Δεν μπορώ να μπω στη θέση σου, αλλά λες πως είσαι σκατά γενικότερα.. Αυτό που μου άρεσε ήταν ότι στο γράμμα, αυτό φάνηκε μόνο στις λέξεις.. Γενικά, το εισέπραξα ως ήρεμο αν όχι ευδιάθετο!! Είναι ωραίο να σου βγάζουν τέτοια συναισθήματα.. Καλή σου νύχτα!
"A mi Juanito"
Gracias por estar siempre ahi, en los momentos buenos y en los malos. La gente no entiende que dos personas puedan ser amigos de verdad en la distancia, pero nosotros ya llevamos anos contandonos cosas por mail y yo si te considero un amigo. Un beso guapo.
All these miles but we are real friends and we are always there for each other.
Ναι,ο παραλήπτης είναι αληθινός, αλλά δεν είμαι πορτογαλίδα, είμαι ισπανίδα. Με λένε Μαρία και μένω στο Αλικάντε.
Besitos a todos. Luna
"sometimes it is enough for someone to know that the people he loves are fine and happy"
Ετσι είναι...Όταν αγαπάς πραγματικά δε σε νοιάζει τίποτα άλλο από τα να είναι ο άλλος καλα...
Μην το χαλας.Αγαπας και ολα τα αλλα αστα πισω.Πλεον οι αποστασεις εχουν γινει τοσο συντομες .Ο παραλαπτης περιμενει να ονειρευτειτε μαζι.
what's hapenning, man?
where is your mind? where are you??
I tried to explain the meaning but you run too fast or me. I even forget my english. I jave a terrible toochache. Worst than you can imagine.
(alla logia na agapiomaste)
(kali vdomada!!)
hola juan,
we all need at least one person with whom we can talk our true feelings.
κι εσυ τον εχεις!
asta la vista.
hola juan,
we all need at least one person with whom we can talk our true feelings.
κι εσυ τον εχεις!
asta la vista.
kalisperes! (x7)
3 parties a day,
den xoraei oli mou i agapi mesa se toses xiliades xiliometra :o)
se ispanida apeuthinetai :o) kai nai, imoun se normal diathesi :o)
mi maria,
todo mi amor para ti :o)
eidika gia tin fili auti :o)
prasino liker,
ego ki o paraliptis oneireuomaste mazi edo kai merika xronia :o)
kanena concept auto to blog, exeis dikio :o) perastika sou - elpizo na einai ola ok me ton ponodonto :o)
maria lemonati,
o nai, ton exo kai den skopevo na ton xaso pote :o)
una preguntita...τι ισπανιδα φοβερη και τρομερη...3ερει ισπανικα,αγγλικα,ελληνικα...λοιπον ειδα ισπανικα και τρελαθηκα...τωρα μαθαινω και τα λατρευω...
τα συναισθηματα ειναι παντα ωραια...
κι εισαι τυχερος..που ακομα κι απο μακρυα καπιος ειναι εκει για να σε ακουσει...το χειροτερο??να ναι κοντα και τα αυτια να κλεινει...:(
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